WCCPBA - Resources

 WCCPBA Activity graphic

Try these ideas to promote your books!  



 WCCPBA YouTube Help Videos

Do you need some inspiration on how to use these resources? Check out these short tutorial videos on our YouTube Page

 The Ultimate Index 

The WCCPBA Award is a love and passion for long-time member Dave Sonnen. He has gone through extraordinary efforts and in working with Cory Fortin to create the ultimate index as part of his Professional Learning Community. This document deserves to be shared and we hope you will squeal with as much delight as we did when we saw it. Need a teaching theme? You're covered Need an Author and Illustrator index? Yep. It's there. Wow your friends and colleagues with this amazing discovery.  

Fantastic Agenda Board

Dave Sonnen has great ideas including the Fantastic Agenda Board! Take a gander! 

 WCCPBA Booklets

Utilize these fun mini books with your students! Booklets are grouped by grades K/1 and 2/3.

Booklet Information for the 2024-2025 School Year

Booklet Information for the 2023-2024 School Year

Booklet Information for the 2022-2023 School Year

Booklet Information for the 2021-2022 School Year


If You Liked This. . . 

Our students love reading the WCCPBA Books, but for most teacher-librarians, we only have one copy of the book for all our students. Teacher-Librarian Dave Sonnen has created a document to help you out in referring other books to students that are "like" the current nominees.

Battle of the Books!

Dave Sonnen and Kim Guyette have sage advice about all the fun you can do with the Battle of the Books. Here are the fun files that you may need to be successful in hosting your own Battle of the Books Event! Get ready to rumble!!!!