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Follow WLA today! WLA encourages and fosters social networking among its members. This page serves as a portal to WLA presence on its social networking sites, and is intended to help WLA members find out about such groups.
Instagram @WLA_School @walibassn
Facebook @WashingtonLibraryAssociation @WLA Academic Library Division/ACRL-WA @wlascld @wla.cayas @wlawale
Make a social media suggestion
Know of library news, conferences or events that would interest other library folks? WLA's Marketing and Communication team would love to hear from you!
Whether it’s a specific event or a suggestion of what you’d like to see more of on social media, send an email to [email protected], with subject heading: WLA Social Media. Be sure to include any deadlines, if applicable. News and events should promote WA libraries, WLA members, and librarianship in general, with the purpose of building a strong professional community!