WLA Position Descriptions
WLA would like all members to be involved and participate in the organization. These position descriptions are provided so that you can read about the duties of each position and make informed decisions about getting involved and running for office. If you have questions about any position, you may contact the WLA Office, or go the the current Board Roster, or Committee Roster to find contact information for the person that currently fills the position, or to whom the position reports. Also, please note meeting attendance expectations for elected officers listed below.
WLA Board Officers
President Vice President Past President Treasurer ALA Councilor PNLA Representative Board Director, Divisional Rep
Reporting to the Board
Alki Editor
Division & Section Leadership
Division Chair Division Vice-Chair Division Secretary/Communications
Section Chair Section Vice-Chair Section Secretary/Communications
Advocacy Committee Alki Editorial Committee Finance Committee Legislative Committee Professional Development Committee Conference Planning Committee Member Services Committee Marketing & Communications Committee Awards Committee