Washington Children’s Choice Charter Statement
To organize the Washington State award program for K-3, read-aloud, picture books. This program includes:
Creating and vetting a nomination list of high-quality picture books to be shared as read-alouds that include a variety of subjects to educate and foster a love of books and reading among K-3 students.
Creating teaching and learning tools for librarians and educators to assist in the sharing of the books.
Promoting the award throughout the state including making posters, and presenting at the WLA conference.
Collecting votes and awarding the winning author and/or illustrator with an award from the students of Washington.
WCCPBA Member Duties
Read and suggest books for the WCCPBA list each year.
Read all suggested books on the list prior to the annual spring meeting.
Attend the annual spring nominating meeting to select the books. Members are expected to arrive prepared to introduce their nomination with justification (not a summary of the book).
Write lesson plans for the activity packet, booklet, fantastic agenda board by the agreed upon date.
Help to create additional materials as needed.
Host a nominating session in the spring for the committee as needed (alternating east and west side of the mountains)
Keep their WLA membership current.
Fulfill tasks as delegated to your role on the committee each year.
Maintain employment within a school library or in youth services at a public library.
Attend the annual WLA Conference and/or appropriate WCCPBA workshop and assist as needed during the session.
Help distribute WCCPBA posters.
Promote the award in your area.