Do you know an Outstanding Teacher-Librarian? If so, consider nominating that professional for the annual WLMA Outstanding Teacher-Librarian Award. To be considered for this award, candidates must be current WLMA members, hold a valid Washington teaching certificate, have a Learning Resource endorsement and/or Master of Library Science degree or equivalent, and be currently in a school library position.
Nominations may be made by any member of the school community and remain active for two years from the nominations. The nomination letter is a maximum of two pages, and the supportive letter(s) are a maximum of two, written by someone other than an administrator. The building level principal or school district administrator (superintendent, curriculum director, etc.) for this nominee is also asked to supply the committee with a brief letter supporting the nomination. So there can be a total of one nomination letter, one administrative letter supporting the nomination and up to two other supportive letters.
In the letters, include information about the following if possible:
- Collaborative curriculum planning and teaching
- Innovative programs
- Services and programs within the school community
- Professional activities
- Continuing education
- Leadership
- Library advocacy
This award is for a plaque, recognition at the annual WLMA business luncheon, and a check for $500. It is a way to celebrate the great work that is on going in Washington by WLMA members.
WLMA Awards are given to professionals or paraprofessionals who have provided outstanding service and support to the Library Media program, in order to achieve a school's instructional goals.Nominate someone for :
- Superintendent of the Year Award
- Principal of the Year Award (High School, Middle School or Elementary Principal)
- Small District/Private School Administrator
- Supervisor of the Year Award.
You may also nominate someone for a Special Recognition Award if they don't fit one of the above categories.
Emeritus Award
The status of Emeritus Member is awarded to a member upon retirement from active employment and for distinguished service to the Association. The member must be nominated by the region, recommended by the Membership Committee, and confirmed by the Executive Committee. Emeritus memberships are awarded during the Annual Conference. Candidates for Emeritus Member must fulfill at least six (6) of the following criteria:
- Maintained active membership for fifteen years.
- Served as an elected state officer.
- Served two years as a chairperson of a state committee.
- Served four or more years on state committees.
- Served one year as Region chair or two years as Region officer.
- Served as Local Arrangements Chair or Co-chair for Annual Conference, or on the executive or steering committee of a multi-organization conference.
- Published two articles in an education or library media journal, and/or produced two original library media productions.
- Conducted three library media-related sessions at professional conferences or workshops.
- Chaired a multi-regional mini-conference.
- Served for two years as editor of an Association publication.
- Winner of the President's Award or the Outstanding Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award (formerly Library Media Specialist of the Year Award).
- Served as Webmaster of the Association Home Page.
NOTE: A region may nominate someone for Emeritus membership who meets only 4 or 5 criteria, but has served the organization in some special way. The Executive Committee will review this nomination and could recommend The Full Board's granting of Emeritus Membership in recognition of outstanding achievement. Nomination form is here.