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WLFFTA Charter
The name of this organization shall be Washington Library Friends, Foundations, Trustees and Advocates also known as WLFFTA.
ARTICLE II: Relationship This organization is an Interest Group of the Washington Library Association, as authorized by the Washington Library Association Bylaws. (Article XIII, Section 3.)
Article III. Purpose The purpose of the Washington Library Friends, Foundations, Trustees and Advocates group shall be to advance community and statewide support for libraries, encourage library friends, trustees and foundation associates to share ideas and enthusiasm, assist in their training, and link library supporters across Washington to effectively address issues impacting libraries.
Article IV. Membership Any member of Washington Library Association may become a member of WLFFTA. Payment of dues is provided for according to the Washington Library Association Bylaws.
Article V. Officers and Steering Committee Section 1. The officers of WLFFTA board shall consist of a Chair and other positions as needed.
Section 2. The WLFFTA board shall have seven members, consisting of three members representing specific WLFFTA constituencies, three members at large, and a newsletter editor. Of the board members representing specific WLFFTA constituencies, at least one shall represent friends of the library groups, one shall represent library trustees, and one shall represent library foundations.
Section 3. The Chair, or his or her designee, shall serve as the WLFFTA representative to the Washington Library Association Interest Group Council.
Section 4. Ad-hoc committees shall be appointed by the WLFFTA board or chair as needed.
Section 5. Board members will serve a term of up to three years. They may be elected to two consecutive terms, for a period no longer than six years. The chair will be annually elected from the board members for a one year term. The chair may be elected to serve for a second one-year term, but may only serve for a total of two years.
Article VI. Nominations and Elections Section 1. A Nominating Committee, appointed by the WLFFTA board, shall submit a list of nominees for the positions listed in Article V to members via electronic ballot in the month of March. Newly elected board members will take office by no later than the end of April of each year. Additional nomination(s) may be made on the electronic ballot.
Section 2. Election Process: When electronic ballots have been sent to the membership, a simple majority of members voting shall be sufficient to elect the WLFFTA board.
Article VII. Meetings Section 1. An annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual conference of the Washington Library Association, or at an IG Meeting. A simple majority of members present will be sufficient to implement decisions made at these meetings.
Section 2. Meetings of the WLFFTA board shall be scheduled as needed and may include online, telephone, or face-to-face meetings, but shall be held no fewer than twice annually. Board business may also be transacted via e-mail.
Article VIII. Vacancies In the event of a vacancy in the Chair position, the board will appoint someone to fill the position until the next scheduled election.
Vacancies in any ad-hoc committees shall be filled by the Chair with the approval of the WLFFTA board.
Article IX. Amendments Any additions or amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted to the membership through a ballot or vote at the annual business meeting. Ballots will include directions for members to vote by mail, facsimile, or by electronic means as directed and approved by the WLFFTA board. A simple majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient to amend the bylaws.