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2022 WLA Sponsors & Exhibitors

Thank you for considering a partnership with the Washington Library Association for its 2022 Conference in Bellevue, May 5-7 at the Bellevue Marriott. Please find our sponsor, exhibitor, and advertiser prospectus below.

Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus

" "Download our 2022 Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus for registration rates and more details.

The 2022 conference theme is Imagine New Horizons. When the future is unclear, planning for tomorrow can feel daunting. But the past two years have shown us that we can survive and adapt. As we embrace the changing technologies and landscapes of our work, we can build toward a brighter, more equitable future for the communities we serve. Together, we’ll share our hopes and visions of a new horizon.

Conference Platform

The virtual portion of the conference will be held using Whova, which will allow you to create custom virtual exhibitor pages, generate leads, host giveaways and raffles, schedule one-on-one meetings with attendees, and more. For more information, download the Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus.

