CATS Technical Resources
An on-going list of online resources. Feel free to email your friendly Section chairs with sites and pages you’d like to see added, and to let us know if a link no longer works.
We’ve moved to a Delicious account (link broken) for our links! (And yes, our heads are in the sand that it might go away because we like it so much.) But please email us with your thoughts of what we should add.
The following 8 links and descriptions were originally posted on the MARS Automation Services blog. (Check them out for even more links.) – The list of registered RDA elements and vocabularies. They will be linked from the RDA Online tool. Thanks to Diane Hillmann for pointing this good link out. – Issues deferred until after the first release of RDA. – This page lists recent and future presentations on RDA given by members of the JSC and others involved with the development of RDA. One to keep an eye on. – This is an Library of Congress webcast on FRBR, from Barbara Tillett. It’s not in their other webcast site because it was for non-catalogers. It is a good overview that talks about practical applications. – these are the power points and other materials that go along with the Pre-conference “From rules to entities: cataloging with RDA” held in Montreal. They are very good. **broken** – We posted this before, but its worth another mention. These are the slides and presentations from the German symposium on their MARC21 project. There are several on RDA that are really good. They are in English. Bring up two sessions, one to watch the YouTube video and the other to look at the slides. **broken** – This has several documents from MARC Standards that deal with MARC and FRBR, including mappings. It also has a FRBR display tool that allows you to create a sample FRBR display from MARC records. – This document lists the changes made to AACR2 during the development of RDA.
Presentation slideshows by the ALCTS RDA Implementation Task Force at ALA 2009 — Look Before You Leap: Taking RDA for a Test Drive. (You may need to scroll down slightly.) Topics included RDA updates, RDA compared to AACR2, RDA and MARC, RDA in LIS education, etc. **broken**
Special Libraries Cataloging: MAJOR RDA CHANGES FROM AACR2 BY MARC FIELD (as of June 3)
MARC standards: MARC and FRBR
MARC 21 format 2009 changes to accommodate RDA (draft)
Link to information about a Barbara Tillet presentation at APLA 2009 Halifax (June 11), including a downloadable document with RDA samples **broken**
RDA forum on ALA Connect (ALA membership not required) **broken**
RDA Q&A from the Joint Steering Committee
Planet Cataloging — a cataloging blog aggregator
Mac Elrod’s Cataloging Equipment cheat sheet (linked via the AUTOCAT filelist) **broken**
Kristal Kaulbach’s Cataloging “Green” Materials routine (linked via the AUTOCAT filelist) **broken**
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books
MARC 21 format for bibliographic data
MARC 21 format for authority data
OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards documents
ALA’s LITA Authority Control Interest Group’s wiki **broken**